Every Tuesday when school is in session, from mid-September to Spring Break, a team of saints gathers with children after school at Wingate Elementary’s cafeteria to share in a snack, share their God-Sightings, joys, and prayers, sing together songs of joy and animation, watch and hear stories from the Bible unfold, and gather in small groups to put their thoughts and images from the story on paper to share with their table-leaders and families.
From Child Evangelism Fellowship - Good News Club's sponsor organization: "God uses ordinary people who take the time to reach the children where they are and teach them about Jesus.”
Imagine hearing this from a second-grader learning for the first time, that Easter was so much more: “I never heard that Easter story before. I always thought it was about spring time and bunnies.”
Kids need to know—in the middle of the week—on a Tuesday—that God is ever present and loves them beyond measure.