Small Groups

Connecting with others in a smaller setting allows us to go deeper in our faith and connections. We believe small groups are a vital way to grow in Christ. 

  • MacArthur Home 2168 Canyon View Drive

    Group 1:  1st and 3rd Tuesdays of each month @ 9:30-11:30

    Group 2:  2nd and 4th Tuesdays of each month @ 9:30-11:30

    Group 3:  2nd and 4th Wednesdays of each month @ 1:00-3:00

    Call Patti at 970.846.4115.  All are Welcome!

    Fifteen years ago 8 ladies at MPC were meeting in the back classroom for Bible Study.  We did ‘Bible 101’, learning how to traverse the history, the narrative, poetry, prophecy, gospels and letters.  We colored our Bibles until we found ‘Bible index’s’. We started at the basic “in the Beginning GOD” and moved forward.  Putting the puzzle pieces together as we went.  We had a ‘very large notebook’!  We grew to outgrow ‘the blue room’.

    We moved to the SANCTUARY, sat at tables for 8-9 and welcomed our friends and neighbors to join us.  It took us 3 years to study Daniel.  We also included Revelation along the way plus other prophets.  We numbered 80 beautiful ladies.  We could not offer child care which kept our ages in the grandma range.  Some moms or grand moms enrolled the little ones in  ‘Joyful Journey’.  We learned to operate the sound system and included DVDS AND
    MANY PROPS .  Margot, one of our facilitators, had to step away over health issues.  Gerry our hostess with the most-ess moved to be with family.
    We miss both of them greatly. 

    Last year we started to discuss the Women of the Bible by Shannon Bream. We finished her first book , now we are finishing her second book regarding Mothers and Daughters. And again:  we are following the women, not only in the book but by the chronological Biblical narrative.  Allowing us to read in concert with their men and children if any.  Hopefully putting more time sensitive puzzle pieces in ‘THE MYSTERY’ of THE GREATEST STORY EVER TOLD!

    Covid closed us down for a few months until some women came to request ‘Small Group Bible Studies’ in our home.  If they wanted a place and a start up, we were willing also. And so we meet every other week with 3 groups (15 each) for 45 women, some on the 1st and Third Tuesdays 9:30, others 2nd and 4th Tuesdays 9:30 and 2nd and 4th Wednesdays afternoon 1:00.  We can also begin another afternoon class/
    gathering before we cap it off or move back to the Sanctuary. 

    I have spent my whole mature years (55 years) studying the Bible, teaching and facilitating the understanding of the words written in the Bible for us to know. Even attending the Institute of Holy Land Studies in Jerusalem, Israel.

    Only Jesus saves our souls yet the Bible reveals the God most high and His plan to save.  It gives us the only HOPE we have in this troubled world.  While knowledge does not in itself save us from eternal peril, it helps us come to the one and only God of all creation who does! It teaches us to be strong and courageous in Jesus’ Spirit.

    At 85, I live day by day praising our Savior for continued breath and I desire to leave my deepest ‘HOPE in JESUS’ for everyone who will listen.  We welcome ALL who desire to know the power of God, revealed in His plan, to come join us.  This BIBLE is the most remarkable piece of literature ever written ‘for His own to know’.  No prior knowledge required, just an open heart, a hungry soul. Do you want to deepen your faith.  These ladies are very special.  They will welcome you.
    Patti’s number 879 845-4115 or call the church.


  • Every Tuesday morning at 7:30 am at Monument Village Coffee Shop. All men of the church are welcome at this great social time! Call Dave Farler for more information @ 303-931-3214.

  • This Men's group meets every Saturday morning at 7:30am in MPC Classroom 2

  • Join ladies from MPC in a monthly fiction book club. Contact Stephanie Tartaglia for more information.