Visitor Information

We are so glad that you want to learn more about Monument Presbyterian Church. We understand that a first-time visit to any church can raise some questions. We hope that you find answers to your questions here. If you have any other questions please feel free to contact us. 

We're located in the Redlands area of Grand Junction on 2018 South Broadway. It can be a little tricky to find us for the first time so please check out the link below with map and directions. 

Service Times

Every Sunday - 9:30am 

Coffee Hour - 10:30am


Have a Question? 

What to Expect?


Worship is every Sunday morning at 9:30 AM. Music is a blend of traditional hymns and contemporary praise songs. Following our worship service is a time for snacks and fellowship which provides an opportunity to visit with old and new friends. Upon entering our building, you'll enter the worship area immediately on your right through the double doors.

With the exception of summer months, Christian education classes meet after the fellowship time for Bible study as well as topical discussions of our Christian faith.

Hearing assistance devices are available for those needing them. See the technicians at the back of the worship area.

What do I wear?

On any given Sunday, you will find people's attire ranging from jeans/shorts to suits and dresses. We want each of you to be at ease with yourself and wear what you are comfortable with for worship service.


The parking area is accessed immediately from South Broadway. You will find both handicapped and guest parking on the left near the entry to the building. The main parking area is straight ahead as you enter the parking lot and you can find overflow parking to the North of the main parking lot and behind the church building.


We know that worshipping as a family can be stressful, but we want you to know that we love children in worship.  Relax, God gave children the wiggles, don’t feel that you must suppress those wiggles in God’s house.  Sometimes children cry and that is okay too.  If children would like to join Sunday School, children kindergarten through 5th grade are dismissed after Time with the Children.  Class is located in the annex building.  For the little kids we also have a nursery, located in the first classroom on the left directly off the main lobby.  Nursery is open the entire service.  Children ages infant through kindergarten are welcome to join nursery at any time.