CHILDREN's Ministry

time with the children

During each worship service the children are invited to the front of the sanctuary for a special children's sermon.  The lesson or theme for this sermon is then also part of the lesson taught in Grace Place Sunday School as well as the nursery.  We love having children stay in worship until they are called for Time with the Children, if they are more comfortable to spend time in the nursery it is open as well.  

Sunday School

Our Sunday School class for children kindergarten through 5th grade. It is a place for children to experience Jesus and grow in faith with age-appropriate lessons. Every Sunday, bring your children to worship. Children are dismissed for Sunday School after the 'Time with the Children'.  Class is located in the annex building behind the sanctuary.  We have two classes organized by age group.  Games, music, stories and crafts are offered.  

Infant and Childcare

Located in the first classroom on the left directly off the main   lobby.  Nursery is open the entire service (approx. 9:20-10:30).  Children are welcome to join prior to service beginning, after Time with the Children, or at any other time during service.  Children ages infant through kindergarten welcome.